Wanna Play D&D?
**New Episodes Every Wednesday***
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game originally created, designed and published in 1974. Since then its been growing in popularity taking on many mediums such as music, movies, videogames, and livestreams. Now a days there has been a greater social acceptance of interest that were once considered "nerdy" or geeky" and even then there are still folks out there who have yet to play. Here is where we find them, so how about it? Wanna Play D&D?
Wanna Play D&D?
So, It's your first time huh? pt. 3
Course Description: We highlight the common anxieties faced by newcomers and reassures them that experienced players often appreciate fresh perspectives. The discussion continues with how D&D can be used as a therapeutic and educational tool, and provides resources for finding groups and practicing role-playing.
Today's Syllabus:
- The Value of New Players
- Debunking D&D Myths
- Theater and Role-Playing in D&D
Guest Lecturer(s): Prince Recluse
Required Reading/Listening: D&D Players Handbook 5th edition
Additional research:
Baldur's Gate
Dungeons and Dragons
Wizards of the Coast
D&D Beyond
Peter Pan
Joe Manganiello
Michael Keaton
Tom Hanks
Mazes and Monsters
Ginny Di
Office Hours: If you are interested in playing let us know
There were some things that other than, like the Amount of information that D and D puts out that may keep people away. And I was seeing if, I don't know if we necessarily can address those, but maybe alleviate some stress like that people may have that's keeping them from sitting down and playing.
And you were onto a point where it's you don't need all of the information. You don't need all of the lore. But yeah, [00:03:00] that's, that's your GM's job. Yeah. So what about for some of those who may think I don't know if it's the type of anxiety that, I'm the newbie that's coming to the player and everybody knows how to play except for me.
Oh yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that, that gets into the point that, especially if you are like a lot of times when you're the new player, there's generally other new players at the table with you, but there will come a time where. Yeah. Perhaps you moved to a new city or you're checking out a game store where everybody else knows how to play, but you don't, and you don't, you don't want to interrupt their flow.
You don't want to, you don't want to look like the newbie. Nobody wants to be the newbie. Nobody wants to be awkward and not know how to play this game that everybody at the table already knows how to play and they're just flowing, but that's okay. Generally D and D players are. People that are [00:04:00] not I'm going to say something that's probably incorrect just because I've had a lot of good groups.
But, but generally speaking, most D& D players, especially ones that have been playing with the same group for a long time, get tired of always knowing how everything's going to work, and they like having somebody new there that's going to mix things up. That's not going to do, they're not going to metagame the table, they're not going to, min max their character, they're not going to, know where the story is headed because believe it or not, there are probably plenty of people out there that already know what's going to happen in the story they're playing because it's a module they've already done.
So in that aspect, also, they're looking for a new player to come and mix things up. They know that they're supposed to turn right at the. At the fork in the road to get to the treasure, but maybe they want a new person in there who's going to take the lead and just be like, I say, we just split it down the middle and climb over this hill.
See [00:05:00] where that takes us. D and D is all about improvising. It's all about, doing the unexpected much to the detriment of the DM people are. One of the things people enjoy about D and D is not knowing what's coming next. So being a new player and not having that already baked in D and D mindset will be beneficial to a lot of tables.
And, don't worry about the mechanics, don't worry about not knowing how the game works, or, What is Baldur's Gate? What is Neverwinter? Where, who is, this person or that person? It doesn't matter. Once again, it is the DM's story, so it is whoever the DM says it is. And if you are not sure, ask the DM.
If the DM has a problem with you asking questions, find a different group. Essentially every D& D table should be welcoming to new players because everyone at [00:06:00] that D& D table was new at one point. Yeah. And they remember what it was like. Definitely. We always want more people to come sit down at a table because there's not enough of us willing.
And I would say lately, as I've, re submerged myself into the Dungeons Dragons world, it is absolutely more inviting. And then it has been in the past, because I've gotten not really awkward stares, but questionable they were like, you? You play Dungeons and Dragons? And I'm like, what do you mean?
Oh yeah. Am I not allowed or something? Yeah. I've gotten questions like that. And 100 percent even still, I've heard about the satanic panic panic panic. Yeah. I heard about it. I don't remember it exactly, but I do remember my mom coming to me and asking me and [00:07:00] I don't know if she's seen a news article or whatever, but I do remember her coming and asking me, you don't do that satanic stuff, do you?
And I was just like, what do you mean? And She was trying to explain it, and then I'm like, are you talking about Dungeons and Dragons ? And she was like, I don't know what it is, they were saying that it's the Satan. I was like, no, we just, we draw maps, we create characters, and then we tell stories and then I just remember her being like, oh, okay.
And I've never heard about it again. And then as I, got older, and then I realized, yeah, there was a satanic panic with Dungeons Dragons, and I think back on it, and, I think that's what she was trying to ask me. Yeah, it's, it's It's what, it's been going on forever. We always find a new thing to do it with nowadays.
It is this [00:08:00] person created this horrible act because they played a video game. Yes. It's the same idea just back before video games were popular. Yes. People tend to vilify. Yeah. People, they, they need a reason. They need justification for the poor actions of someone else. And so they look for something like that.
And, I, I guess dungeons and dragons are scary too. Especially the, the cloistered, I don't want to say uber religious because that's stigmatizing. Stigmatizes people, but essentially the people with a very closed mind that they just hear the people judging the book by the title they hear dungeons and dragons.
So obviously you are kidnapping people and putting them in dungeons and summoning demonic dragons for them to feast upon. Obviously, obviously, but, but no, essentially they even made. Michael Keaton, was it Michael Keaton? I think it was Michael Keaton [00:09:00] starred in a movie about how horrible Dungeons and Dragons is.
Really? And he like becomes like satanic and stuff. I'll have to look it up and show it to you. But yeah, like it was a Michael Keaton level, no, sorry, Tom Hanks, not Michael Keaton, Tom Hanks. Okay, okay. For anybody who's listening and screaming at the radio, don't worry, Tom Hanks, I got you. But yeah.
And it was a movie where, vilifying Dungeons and Dragons about, he went crazy and all this. It was the reefer madness of Dungeons and Dragons. Oh, oh, yeah. And, and that, while most people people our age and whatnot, No better at this point, there's still plenty of people who probably don't have the exposure to these things and still may think that there is some sort of evilness.
And in fact, when I first started playing dungeons and dragons, I had no idea that it was, you're actually [00:10:00] the hero and generally on the side of light or good fighting, evil, fighting, darkness, fighting, tyranny. It always seemed to me like you're conjuring goblins and demons and it was more of a, an evil slant to things than what it really is.
People hear dungeons and dragons and they think that's what you're doing. When in reality you're fighting those things. You are conquering dungeons. You are slaying dragons. You are generally a hero. There's a lot of people that play paladins, clerics. Holy, granted, yes, it may not be Christian deities, but you don't, I know plenty of devout Christians that play D and D it's okay.
You're not in an occult by playing dungeons and dragons. It is the same thing as a video game. You're just doing a story with other people [00:11:00] at the beginning of that story. You're one person at the end of that story. You're the same person. Nothing has changed about you.
You're just telling a story and having fun with friends. It's. It's the same as if you act in a play at school. You are not really Peter Pan, I hate to tell you. You can't fly with happy thoughts. But you sure can pretend for a little bit, and it was probably fun. And that's essentially what Dungeons Dragons is.
You're just playing a video game, but you're telling the story of that video game as opposed to it being written out for you.
I'm glad you brought up Peter Pan. I can't wait to see where this is headed. Me and my friends back in middle school also had a Peter Pan module for D& D. No, we didn't get that part. Y'all stayed out of Disney, you just went into Dutton. Jurassic Park, X Men. [00:12:00] But I'm glad you brought up Peter Pan, because, I was that theater kid, and I think that was an easy transition for me, as far as the LARPing part of it, the live action role playing part of it.
To be someone else. How dare you. How dare you say LARPing. And, and incorporate it into D and D like that. 20, 20 people just turned it off and said, LARPing. Nope. But I know there's people out there that are just like, I have to act this out in front of strangers that terrifies
that was my main standoff point. Whereas you are the theater kid. Now, granted, I always wanted to be the theater kid and I didn't always have that opportunity, but I was trying to be the theater kid. But that was what really pushed me away from D and D as well. I thought it was LARPing. I thought it [00:13:00] was not only am I playing a, French paladin, but also I have to be a French paladin.
I have to speak with a French accent. I have to pretend to be big and burly and swing. And that's why I said, after that first session, I realized, Holy crap, this is awesome. I don't have to do any of that stuff. There's none of that and I think that is what. Scares off so many people with this game and it is a hundred percent of valid fear because Anybody who unless you have friends that play D& D?
Most people's experience with D and D is going to be watching some of these live plays on YouTube or Twitch or, wherever dropout and they see unbelievable DMS and people with tons of [00:14:00] improv experience playing these games, actors, Joe Manganiella. Like people who are professional actors doing these games, doing those voices, doing the characters.
And they're like, Oh crap. That's what I have to do to play D and D. Oh no, I'm not touching this. And it could not be further from the truth. The thing is, if you want to do that, if you, and that is what is drawing you to D and D you can do that. And your table will love it. If you don't want to do that.
That is also perfectly fine. No one at the table should be giving you a hard time about not wanting to do that. I know I'm not name dropping. I know people at my table who have always wanted to play their character with a British accent. But they just, they don't [00:15:00] because they're nervous and they're worried.
It's not going to sound right. And all that stuff. And they've expressed, express this to us. And we're just like, you know what? If you want to give it a shot, one session, go for it. We're here for it. Nobody's going to judge you do what you want to do, but if you don't want to, and you just want us to assume that your character has a British accent.
That's perfectly fine too. We're cool with that. The majority of people at the average D and D plate table, there's going to be one or two that really wants to do the voices and act out the character and get into it. And they will, and that's fine. You do not have to match their energy. You do not have to do the voices.
There are some people that do not even play as their character. They'll be like, all right, so what's your character doing here? And they'll just be like, all right, my character, Steve is going to walk 20 feet and then ask the guard if they have this, sometimes your D and D [00:16:00] sometimes your DM will try and work it into you actually saying those words.
But you don't have to it, it, it's going to be at any comfort level, whatever you're comfortable with, just express that to your table and nine times out of 10, they're going to be cool with it. As long as you're cool with them being what they want to be right now, if you don't want to do the voices and stuff, don't give somebody a hard time because they want to do the voices.
Just, make it work between you and the other people, but nobody should be expecting you to be a professional improv trained actor. At a D and D table. If so, you're at the wrong table. Get out. If that's not what you wanted.
I know we covered a lot Prince. And is there anything that we may have missed over that you want to bring attention to? Oh, man. I'll just say you do not have to be good at math to do Dungeons and Dragons. [00:17:00] In the past especially with the older editions, they were much more math heavy. If you are playing a 5e Dungeons and Dragons game, you do not have to be good at math, especially if you're using a digital tool like Dungeons and Dragons on or D& D Beyond.
It'll do the rolling. It'll do the math for you. It'll do the character sheet for you. Just follow the instructions. You'll be good. You do not need to be good at math to play Dungeons and Dragons. Do not let the dice scare you. And other than that, I don't think so. I think that's pretty much it.
Just as long as you are open minded and you are willing to let other people be themselves, they should be letting you, they should be comfortable with letting you be yourself. And you, there should be nothing intimidating about D& D for you, because the people that play it are generally not intimidating.
And, yeah, just give [00:18:00] it a shot before you crap on it. Give it a shot. That's it. It may not be for you, and that is okay. But you do not know until you actually try. Oh, and if you don't have anybody to play with there are online resources. For finding a group I can't speak really to them with any experience.
I'm not saying I'm cool. I'm just saying I stick with the five people that I've always been playing with, but. If you perhaps you live in a rural area, and there's no one around that plays D& D, there are plenty of people online who are willing to play digitally, or who are willing to meet up, now, meet up in public places, friendly local game stores.
Don't just go to a random stranger's house that says, Hey, you want to play D& D? Just knock on the door. Trick or treat, just be like, D& D! But there are D& D, once again, we're [00:19:00] experiencing a new level of popularity that we have not experienced before. Before this, everybody was, it was, Everybody's dying to find anybody who is willing to play Dungeons and Dragons with them because it takes other people, generally speaking, and, you got to find the right group.
But if you have no one to play with, search online for, D& D group finder, or just go to, once again, my issues with Wizards of the Coast aside, go to Dungeons and Dragons, or D& D group finder. D the letter N D beyond. com. And there are resources on there for helping you figure out how to play the game.
There are resources on there to help you find other people to play with. And currently, as much as I hate promoting this because I do not like it they have a virtual tabletop and they are working on a AI powered DM so that you don't even need a DM anymore, and, They, it'll run the game for you.
I'm not suggesting that, I think you [00:20:00] should always play with human players, and, incorporate as many other people that want to play D and D into a D and D game with you. But if you do not have an option, there's even options in the future coming where you don't even need a DM. So there are people that are dying to play with you.
You just have to look for them. Yeah. Oh yeah. And I know we touched briefly on the popularity of D& D. I was explaining to one of the players I've never played before. He was just like, he, when I asked him if he wanted to play D& D, his first response was what console is it on? And
so he's had absolutely zero exposure to what D and D was. I was just going over some of the things, like how popular it is. And I was just explaining to him, I said, aside from the celebrities, there are therapists who use it, there are teachers who integrate it into their, [00:21:00] system.
There's like parents who learn from it, it's there's people who use it for mental health. It's like a broad spectrum of what everyone has used it to encompass their day to day. Yeah. It is a therapeutic tool. It is an educational tool. It can be what that's the magic of D and D it can be whatever you need it to be.
There is a rule set. There is an addition, but it is the main rule of dungeons and dragons is the rule of cool. Whatever works for you and your table. That's the rule. So if you can make it work, there's, I know a fourth grade teacher who is popular for playing it with his classes, there's tons and tons of ways it's being used for more than just having a fun time with friends.
Yeah. Oh and my last thing before we get out of here on the popularity of D and D and I know we talked about the Walmart thing when we saw it in Walmart, but My son wanted to [00:22:00] play and I took him to one of our local game shops here, but I had he had a birthday party and he was either like 16, 17, his late teenage years and his friends, one of his friends came up to me and he was like, so Mr.
Direct Edition, I hear, yeah. It's Mr. Direct Edition, I hear you play Dungeons and Dragons. And I was like, yeah, I played Dungeons and Dragons when it wasn't cool. And then he's, and he's like, when was that? Like he couldn't possibly believe that in the before Times
Like he was just flabbergasted that God, it wasn't this always accessible thing that was always cool. And at that point I was like. Okay, son, go ahead and go play with the rest of the young people. [00:23:00] Take your young butt out of here. God, if you were to tell me and so many people I knew back, 20 years ago, that D& D is going to be awesome and popular.
Yes. No one would have believed you. Yes. They would have laughed you out of town. Without a doubt. It, it was such a, just like the, like I said, it was the level of nerddom that I would not cross because I was just like, I'm a big nerd and I do video games and all this stuff, but I'm not playing D and D.
That's just. That's as nerdy as it gets. Nobody plays D& D unless, you got a pocket protector going. But man, was I wrong. And I was so glad to be wrong. Never been so glad to be wrong. Oh, one last thing. For anybody new that's anxious about Role playing want to give it a shot, but you're anxious about it.
Jenny D has some great J G I N [00:24:00] N Y D I. She has great videos online where she just plays some character and you can role play back and forth with her prompts. Yeah, that's a great way to dip your toe into role playing if you're trying to start doing some role playing. I just remembered that and that's something that new people should know about because, you don't want to, you don't want the first time to be at the table.
She does, she pretends to be this character and she just asks questions to you and you can pause it and answer or whatever. Just a thing to throw out there. Yeah, that sounds like an awesome resource. I'll be sure the to Put that in if anyone wants to like a link or this. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. I can send you links I can send you everything.
All right, I'll definitely throw that in Prince I appreciate you sitting down with me and chatting about D& D. I appreciate that, man. Always good to chat with you. I'll be sure not to make this the only time. Yeah, [00:25:00] you know me, man, whenever you need me, you just say the word I'm here. All right.
All right. I appreciate it. Appreciate you appreciate the audience. Good night, everybody. Good night.
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