Wanna Play D&D?

So, It's your first time huh? pt. 3

Season 1 Episode 8
Audio Player
00:00 | 26:27

Course Description:  We highlight the common anxieties faced by newcomers and reassures them that experienced players often appreciate fresh perspectives. The discussion continues with how D&D can be used as a therapeutic and educational tool, and provides resources for finding groups and practicing role-playing.

Today's Syllabus:

  • The Value of New Players
  • Debunking D&D Myths
  • Theater and Role-Playing in D&D

Guest Lecturer(s): Prince Recluse

Required Reading/Listening: D&D Players Handbook 5th edition

Additional research:
Baldur's Gate
Dungeons and Dragons
Wizards of the Coast
D&D Beyond
Peter Pan
Joe Manganiello
Michael Keaton
Tom Hanks
Mazes and Monsters
Ginny Di

Office Hours: If you are interested in playing let us know

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