Wanna Play D&D?
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Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game originally created, designed and published in 1974. Since then its been growing in popularity taking on many mediums such as music, movies, videogames, and livestreams. Now a days there has been a greater social acceptance of interest that were once considered "nerdy" or geeky" and even then there are still folks out there who have yet to play. Here is where we find them, so how about it? Wanna Play D&D?
Wanna Play D&D?
The Trouble with Portals and Pooches Part 3
Join our heroes in an enthralling adventure as they navigate through perilous dungeons and mystical landscapes. The heroes, including warriors, wizards, and rangers, face off against cunning kobolds and a formidable troll. With detailed gameplay mechanics, spellcasting, and strategic combat, this session showcases the excitement of first-time players learning the ropes and soaring through epic fantasy scenarios. Will the heroes triumph and reach the sky together? Tune in to find out!
Yeah. Amazing. Whatever. Two. So five, shoot. 12, 11, 8. Oh 12. Yeah. I got a head plus one initiative. 17. Not high enough level yet to have advantage on initiative checks 'cause that's something barbarian does get. All right, so let's go over initials one more time from left. The right eight noted. Okay. Actually, lemme throw.
I am four. Yes. I'm going to intercede on I'm not. I'm going to intercede with a request for the wizard. May it be alright if he casts mage armor upon [00:03:00] himself before we've gotten to this? Yeah, I'll grant it. That makes your armor class plus three, basically. Okay. So now it's a 16 as opposed to a 13, so now someone needs to try harder to hit you.
You already have mage armor, I noticed that's on your list, and that's a pretty good choice. Do I need to roll for it? Oh, no, no, no, it's automatic. You lose a spell slot, but it's worth it. It means you're not going to die. What's your initiative? It's all the more reason why I asked. Yeah, basically it makes it a 16 as opposed to a 13.
And it lasts basically the whole adventure. Alright. And Saurhorn, your initiative? 9. 9? Alright, noted. That's it. And
if you want to cast spells, just ask whatever they do. Some of them take action, some of them take bonus actions. Keep in mind that you cannot cast a leveled spell for more than two leveled spells a turn. So if you can cast like a first or second level spell, then you can only cast a cantrip if you have the chance to.
And some spells are actions and some are bonus actions. Mage Armor was the first level spell. Oh [00:04:00] yeah, roll those 2d20s real quick. We never got those divination shows. Oh, we never did.
Might as well know them, so that way you can go, Oh, you rolled high? No you didn't. Oh, hey, save those! Yeah, that five you saved for the troll, so that way it'll fail the athletics check. It's going to suffer when it's my turn. Or for a more dire moment, that's your choice. Just write, like, five or thirteen somewhere on your sheet, or five or thirteen somewhere just to keep mindful later.
Yeah. Yeah. Because that is the best part of Divination Wizard. So you just use it at the beginning? Like, you use it Literally, just any time you see someone do anything that requires a d20 mode, he can instead interplace it with either of those two numbers anytime. That is why Divination Wizard is one of the best subclasses in the game.
Just even, even though there's technically better ones, it's just so much fun. Alright that said and done first in the initiative is our wizard. What do you do as you're surrounded by five kobolds? He didn't [00:05:00] ask how big the fruit was. But it also is not going to. Well, he doesn't have fireball, we're at fourth level.
I know. I know. So what are you, what are you thinking to do here? I want to, since we're surrounded, I want to clear some space. Okay you've got a few options for that. Misty Step is a teleport, that teleports you 30 feet as a bonus action. Just at any spot. 30 feet is 6 squares, just keep that in mind.
Because each square is 5 feet. You could also do Scorching Ray, which sends out, I believe it's three. Yeah. Three beams of fiery energy that do 2d6 each. That's pretty good. Or you could even do Magic Missile, which auto hits. You don't even have to roll, and it's a d4 plus one for each of the three arts.
I like that Scorching Ray option. Yeah, you do have to roll for Scorching Ray, however. But that's just because Magic Missile is Magic Missile, so you have to have it so it auto hits. Unless someone casts Shield, but I doubt this guy or the Warlock have Shield. Isn't Shield, like, further along? Shield is a first level spell.
It also has it. It's a reaction. And it like, for the rest of the [00:06:00] turn, it increases your armor class by 5. Which like, I think you have it because you're a hexblade. No, I actually don't have. Oh wait, yes I do! Yeah, Shield. I do have Shield. So just keep in mind if you're like, Oh no, I'm gonna get hit by that reaction.
That doesn't mean you're on your like very small amount of spell slots. Okay, so you can hit Where does it show how many spell slots I have? I think you Yeah, you can hit this guy. And this guy. And this guy, because Scorch and Grey, you can separate it for like, this one gets it, this one gets it, this one gets it.
Yeah, you get two spell slots, and that's for all of your first and second level spells. Now, it sounds bad, but if we take an hour, you get them back, instead of having to, like, sleep for a whole eight hours to get them back, like the rest of these two, got it. That's the upside, downside. So Roland, Scorch, and Grey?
Hmm. Fourteen. Fourteen plus Fourteen plus six. Twenty. [00:07:00] Targets were this gentleman directly behind me, the one facing Oday, and the one kobob on the other side of Oday. Okay yep. This one here, here, yep, here. Okay yeah, roll the hit.
Oh, no, you mean roll for damage? Oh, did he already hit? Oh, well, he hit, he got a 20 on one of them. Oh, you gotta, you gotta roll for each attack. Oh, each attack. That was the first one. Yeah, you get two more. Yeah, this one hits. 5 plus 6? Misses. And then, 18. 18, that'll hit. So you hit two out of the three Kobolds in your arsenal.
Alright, now just roll 2d6. The cubes. The cuuuubes. Also, by the way you can also, like, any roll that you do, you can replace it with either of those two. [00:08:00] Just keep in mind. The divinations? Yeah. Like I said, any time that anyone that you see, which includes yourself, rolls a d20, you can swap them out for one of those two numbers you got.
You don't get them back after you use it, but, you know, it's use it or lose it. Yes. Because you'll lose them once you finish a long rest, okay. Three damage. For one. And I'll switch this two for a thirteen to one. Oh, no, no, no. That's only for d20 hits. Oh, okay. Only for d20. So three and two on the d6 damage.
Three to one, two to the other. Oh, no. It's five for the first one. Cause it's 2d6 for, like, each individual hit. Oh, I thought it was 1d6 per attack. No, it's 2d6 per attack. 2d6 per attack. Like, each of them do 2d6. Okay. Five for one. Okay. That's what makes it nice. And eleven for the other. Oh boy. Alright, so those two Ever had roasted cobalt before?
I guess you're about to. Ugh, the bone's crunching in that turtle's mouth. Oh, [00:09:00] don't tip, don't tip. Hey, it's okay, I'm getting more ammo. So these two are Yeah, that may have been overkill. But that's the best kind of kill! That, I kinda have to use that level 2 spell. I have to So you You still have a bonus action.
So you do have a bonus action, but like, the only thing you could do potentially is Misty Step, but because that's another level 2 spell, you can't use it. Yeah. Thankful well, no, that guy's right there. I don't really think he even has anything for bonus actions. No. Unfortunately this will be the end of your turn, but you did manage to take out two kobolds.
The way Neiros what we should like to do is, now, you are surrounded by less kobolds. Okay this is the warlock, right? And this is his That's the big troll thing, I think, right? What happens if I kill him before the troll? Does the troll, like, just go away, or does the troll get enraged, or That, [00:10:00] he'll, well, only one way to find out.
Okay. Let's see. One quick question. I don't, which, How do I tell the damage, like, which ones do I roll for damage? Oh, yeah, so they'll say Right next to the range. Or they'll say one action will be 1A. And so next to it will either say a ability score, or like, Comm14, for example. Or it'll say a number like, plus 6.
So you roll a d20 and then add, say, plus 6 to your roll. What spell would you like to cast on the Kobold Warlock? I'm gonna cast
Eldritch Blast. Yes, but I'm gonna go ahead and cast [00:11:00] Eldritch Blast. Alrighty. On there it should say the damage die for it, so roll to hit first. Ooh, that's a bad one. Was that a four? Four. And then, do I add the plus six to that? Like, for the save? Okay, so ten total. Unfortunately, that'll miss. That will miss.
Okay. I have two actions and a bonus action this turn. Yes, you do have a bonus action. But I've already used my cantrip, so I can't use another cantrip. Oh no, it's a level spell. Cantrips are different. That's it. That's okay. We've been through it. Okay. Well, the one I just used was a cantrip. Yes.
Okay. But a level spell is different. Oh. Yes. You're saying Okay. You can think of like, a cantrip as sort of a peashooter and a level spell like an actual gun. Yeah. Got a better way of thinking about it. There you go. I am going to For my bonus action I'm actually going to use Blessing of the Raven Queen and teleport [00:12:00] behind the warlock.
And then I'm gonna use Green Flame Blade to attack. Can I do that? So like, she already used the cantrip as her action. Yeah. So that would, you would still actually, so to use Green Flame Blade, that still requires your action technically to do the attack. Because it's basically boosting a melee weapon you have to do more.
But you can save it for your next turn. Okay, so I can, I can power it up as my, as my next point, and then just save the attacks for the next turn, is what you're saying? Or just save the entire attack? To attack with a mainland weapon to use green flame blade as a bonus action. Got it. Or really just use it at all.
But it uses up basically your action and bonus action to use together. You already know that it say BNAI. It is just like boulder's gig. Yeah, I know, but I thought in fairness, green flame blade is not a BG three. So travesty. Yeah, but we know B travesty, but they also had to release the game at some point and mine doesn't [00:13:00] say that.
It don't. Do you have it? It's right here. Mine is different. Does VA anywhere? Oh. Oh, I guess it doesn't hurt, it just says 1A. Well, I think it's actually technically an action in the sense that you still need to select. Oh, well, you also use the bonus action to teleport. So this was, I used the bonus action to teleport, I didn't realize, well.
The cantrip. Yeah, I thought it was a cantrip, because it just said one action, so I thought the bonus action to teleport. action. And then. Yeah. So the, so because you already used, I believe, the Eldritch Blast initially to fire, right? Yeah, for the. So you're, so basically you only have your movement. So that's what I was asking, did I have two actions plus a bonus action?
Or is it one action plus? I understand now. That's where I was confused. I thought I had two actions plus a bonus action. There we go. But you can cast a flame blade on your next turn. So right now you're behind the kobold warlock. And you're out of that circle, so congrats. Now, next up is Asarhorn. [00:14:00] Oh, I get it.
They don't attack yet. What did you get for initiative, Sauron? Nine. Okay, yeah, nevermind.
I'll use my bonus action.
Oh, he takes out four spots. Yeah, actually, oh, right, you can do that. Right. Yeah, I use my face step and go over here. Oh, that's not what I was thinking. Sorry. Because I don't like being with you guys. And now you're in melee mode. You are now in melee. That's where I want to be. You're a druid, you're not a paladin.
That's where I want to be. Wild Shape! Oh, you're just going to Wild Shape. And I'm turning into the turtle. Cause I've seen him. In the race. But, I will give greater credits to you. I do have some transformation that needs to come. Yeah, I didn't expect that. I thought you were going to Wild Shape to bring out your fiery little friend who could have, like, [00:15:00] teleported.
I think you included. And would have like burned everyone around you. Mm mm. Nope. Alright so you wished a wild shape? Yep. That's why you don't pick druid. Alright make it easy. I know, I would have been a berserker normally, but. You as you almost burst into flame. And out of the flames, you turn into a flame colored tiger.
Oh, I wanna be a turtle. That'll work, though. Cool. That's what I'm saying. I thought I'd have seen it, though. You may have during your adventures, so yeah. Yeah, cause I know some druids, they can turn into monsters or beasts to clarify, cause monsters are their own thing. Honestly, at this point, owlbears might as well just be beasts.
Yeah, originally it was. It's not that overpowered. Originally it was, yeah, back in third edition. And now it's monstrosity for some reason anyway. I mean, if you've seen an owlbear, yeah. It's not that more powerful than the other wild shape options at that level. So yeah, as you already used your action and [00:16:00] your bonus action you're now next to the troll as a tiger, a flaming tiger.
How do I know how much HP I got as a tiger? Oh, yes. That I will send over to get information about the, the sea tiger. But I'll also help keep track of those as well, and tell you, oh, you can do this, you can do that so on and so forth. That said, that is the end of my turn, and next up in initiative, Is o pay.
So with that I'm not asking, I am ranging. And so you as a bot, you watch as he as his shell begins to kind of glow a strange sort of like reddish nce for a second and you almost see what seems to be, it almost seems like you're seeing double as you see that sort of redish iridescent form into another of himself, but seems a little bit older, a little bit stronger it seems as he.
Ignores the kobold right there and rushes right past up to the troll. Yeah, I don't care if I take opportunity attack. 5, 10, 15. Alright. As I've already raged, [00:17:00] so it doesn't matter. It's too late. We can't undestroy this cake. It's fine. Oh, he took out two. He's good. Look, they're fireballs. You can kick you, literally five damages like the equivalent of like, being hit in a beanbag.
You're fine. Misty Step too. Like, next turn, you can Misty Step and then fireball one of them. 18 does hit. But it is half.
And he'll hit you with a short short for six, halved, and two, three. Wow, guys, that hurts so much after my 60 hits. Oh, man, you got a lot. Yeah. Holy jeez. Yeah. Damn, I love being eternal. I'm sorry, I had to. Look, if you're gonna make puns like Blink Dog during the opening monologue of an actual Blink Dog, I'm allowed that.
I [00:18:00] don't think he knows what that is. I mean, granted, if he likes that, he'd like any of the rest. Like anchovies with chocolate. That was an actual combination. They're so gross. Okay, but anchovies and chocolate have to exist in, in, in this world. Yeah, no. Yeah, like they, Because of the D& D cookbook, we know that hot chocolate exists in favoritism.
So we know that chocolate exists. Just like they did marshmallows with pepperoni, which surprisingly works, because the marshmallow absorbs the grease. So that's still gross. I'm Do you put it inside? I kind of wanna do that now. Let's, okay. We got marshmallows. , sorry. Ones poor . So OE is, identify those fa so OE is going to reckless attack right into this guy.
Just full tilt. So let's see. 'cause I want that crit. Hmm. Oh, my cribs. Can I start rolling? Good. Okay. That's not [00:19:00] a crit, but that is a set. Oh, that's a 16. Does that hit? Yeah, that hits. Thank goodness. Roll for damage. It hits. I will take that. That's perfectly fine. And thanks to the Ancestral Guardian ability of You'll like this.
Thanks to the Ancestral Guardian ability of Ancestral Protectors, Anyone he tries to hit that doesn't hit me has disadvantage. Or like, if he tries to hit anyone else that isn't me, he'll have disadvantage. Oh, noted. So let's start every next turn. So that in total is 10 damage. As I immediately come lumbering forward with my axe, just DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM Almost like a space marine kind of running forward from Warhammer DOOM DOOM DOOM DOOM Before just immediately lodging it right into its hip And dragging back as hard as I can Spilling its rather disgusting thick icker across the ground.
And how much damage is that? 10 Okay. Alright, alright. That's right. Makes sense. [00:20:00] Alright, alright. Thank you, thank you. So that's said and done. Alright. And after that, it is now the troll's turn. And the troll will regain ten points of health. What the? Yes, regeneration. And, with that, Oh, what? Oh, it's the Okay.
He's gonna do some multi attacks on you. On him or on me? On the turtle, probably. Yeah, good choices. Oh, it's not casting, it's just like if I hit someone while I'm raging or my first attack while I'm raging, that's the effect of procs. He's going after He's gonna go after the barbarian. Alright, I can take it.
As he's introducing club he's going to hit you. Alright. I can take it. You have a fight, right? Right. I've been including these co op songs. So that's I'll give [00:21:00] it a You see Nero's, like, cheering for you behind the wall. Oh, that's right. Eighteen will hit. Yeah, no, that does, yeah. Alright. And the first attack deals 10 points of damage.
Five. And now he has a second attack. Okay, that'll hit, but if he crits, yeah, he still hits normally, thankfully. And deals another five, which is already halved. Oh, so that's two or three? No, it's, it's five. Oh, it's already five halved. Yeah, 10, but halved to five. That's the last one. Okay, it's with a natural 19.
And he's not champion, thankfully. And this time 6 halved to 3. So [00:22:00] total 13 damage dealt to the barbarian. And it will also end his turn. Next up is the kobold pack. And kobold number Let's see, that was 1, he's dead. Two. He's gonna look over at, I'm gonna say the wizard and he's going to attack the wizard.
I'm sorry. Wait. His short, short and since as he sworn as within five feet of an ally, actually, he's gonna have a fanish two, two pack tactics. So he'll get a fanish on attack rolls. Okay, 11. Let me double check the website. Tell me, does a 22 hit? Heck yeah.
Alright, and you take 7 points of piercing damage. And then after that, he is going to disengage. And [00:23:00] he is going to See, he already moved. Here, 5, 10, and then 15, 20, 25, 30. Yeah, nice. Then we got the winget code board. And this, oh, wrong file. There we go. This bad boy. It'll let me load the information.
There we go. Much better. Click, clack, paddywhack. Cold, bold, winget. He from what you can notice, he's definitely a, a spell, spellcasting dude. Last, last I remember, at least. Here we go. No, actually, he's not, he's not the spellcasting one. Actually, no, nevermind. There we go. You can't walk without a blast.
Blasphemy. Blasphemy. There we go, there we go. Okay. I guess a critical role can do that. That's not a joke. Much better. [00:24:00] Alright. Back to the delay. Now we got our winged kobold, who's a sorcerer, a winged kobold sorcerer. This will felt attack of opportunity so you can try to hit him with one of your weapons, melee weapons specifically, so you have, what do you have there dagger.
Yeah, dagger. Roll a d20 and add 5?
You mentioned shield earlier. Yes, that's a spell. Oh yeah, that is a spell. It's level one. You'd have to use that as a reaction. Eleven. Well, plus five, that's sixteen. Sixteen and eleven all together. Oh, eleven all together? Six plus five, yeah. Sorry to say You can use your thirteen if you want. But you just Do you want to use that there?
Yeah, because I wrote it in. I'll second that, so that's now 18, and thankfully, hits.[00:25:00]
4 damage, noted. No. Yes, so that's said and done. We have our last kobold, and Let's see. Oh. Right, he already took damage. He hasn't taken an action yet. Ooh, got too excited. But he does have pack tactics, such as his brethren. Which means he will have a bandage on attack hits, or attack rolls. And this one, he's gonna hit the wizard with a chromatic bolt.
Now, with this one, you could definitely use shield on if you get an AR, which would add plus five to your armor class, which would make it a 20. Just for, until the start of your next turn. Well, if he does switch his two, it is a twenty three. That would do nothing. That would do nothing. Yeah that said and done, twenty three will hit, and be dealing, what does it say here one d6 [00:26:00] plus two.
We really aren't going easy on him with things like Chromatic Bolt. I don't actually know, I was thinking of Chaos Bolt. Chaos Bolt would have been the worst thing to get hit by. Oh boy. It's more like a sound wave, a concussive sound wave. Seven points. He can? Yeah. Two dagger or magickal attacks. Yeah.
Aren't we just level one? Not level four. Oh, we're four. We're level four. If we were level one, we would be able to scorch you right away. Oh, okay. Yeah. Will that shield last for like, that round? Shield lasts for that round. Until the start of his next turn. Okay. He hits him with sixteen, which he'll miss because of the shield.
He did hit earlier, so no two attacks. He only hits him with one. And thus, we'll end [00:27:00] the kobold soldier's turn. And now we got this boy, he's gonna move, still five feet. So this pack tactics, he's gonna poke you with a spear. And kobolds, this is like the one good thing about them. And I think shield's down.
No, shield is active until the end, until the start of his next turn. Until the start of his next turn, noted, okay. That's one of the reasons shield is active. So who has shield right now? He does. Oh, okay, got it, make sure. I should scratch that. Honestly, I feel like he's gonna need that. Yeah, I need to.
It's a good thing he gave you both, cause usually most wizards end up taking either mage armor or shield, not both, so he was nice. Gave you both. Both. Remember kids, this is why they say get a man who can do both. This guy over here. Look at that wizard out there, sort of tanking for us. Good job wizard.
So this one, he is going to, actually, he's going to use a fling, a sling. He's And it's gonna hit the Barbarian. Oh, yes. Square on the shell. Alright, so tell [00:28:00] me, does You do get advantage to hit it, I believe, since Reckless Attack. That's true. Okay, so Oh, and Pack Tactics. Well, it doesn't matter at that point, then.
Because unless you're an elf, you can't Unless you're an elf with that one feat, you can't double stack advantage. Yeah, no. But, either way, both miss. And so the Copal Pack, And back to the top of the initiative, our wizard. Try to save that second level spell if you can. Since I feel like Scorching Ray would be really useful.
Again? Yes. That's 120 feet?
Yeah, you can hit anybody on this map with 120 feet. Maybe use, like, fireballs, maybe. That's like a mean scorching ray. Firebolt is the cantrip version. If it hits, it does a D10, [00:29:00] which is pretty good. And this is what a D10 looks like. It's this sort of cradle. But the firebolt is a single target attack.
Yes, it's a single target attack. Granted, very likely to kill any of these kobolds in one shot, especially the one that you already stabbed.
Yeah. I want to actually And that way you're kind of saving resources. Because you don't want to just completely frontload all the ammunition you have and be completely out. Yeah. I kind of do. Oh my gosh, we need to go one more only here. Okay. Yeah, let's do fire Well, no, no, let's do Scorching Ray.
Scorching Ray? We're going Scorching Ray. Alright how many targets feels like the hit? It's three targets. It is three. Okay alright. Cast away, roll the hit. Oh, Nat 20. Oh! That one's dead. That means that, that one is whoever you hit. Yeah, so that would be a 4d6. Woo! I ain't a wizard out here [00:30:00] handling it.
That's that big brain move. So which one are you hitting? The furthest one. Oh, no, not the one that ran. Oh, no, not the one who's not been touched at all. Oh, no.
Ten, and sixteen. Ten, right? Scorching Ray is a lightning attack or something? No, it's fire. Fire, okay. Yeah, he is on one digit of health. I You can hit him again if you want. Like, like I'm lighting a flint on my hands, and once it lights I twirl back. Ooh, that's a flair. And do a little spin. And then bring down like a a lash of fire towards the You can hit him again with one of your two remaining bolts or rays if you want.
I'm going to one to this one [00:31:00] next. Okay, roll hit. Ten, sixteen. Yep, that will hit. And that's only two, right? Yeah. There we go. Six. Six. All right, he is at half health, so he's looking pretty crispy. And then we have our winget kobold. I have flashy on the other one, so I just. That one already took four damage already.
Swing the lash over, get the scorching ray over to hit the next one. And the last one, the winget one, is 12. Total? Yeah, 12 total. About missed. Damn. Alright, alright. That's it and done. I don't believe you have a bonus action fit for the situation. That'll be the end of your turn. And next in our initiative order, once again, is Nero's.
Alright. Can I see, do I know what kind of health the warlock has? No. No. [00:32:00] No HP. Okay. I mean, I don't think he's been touched yet, I think. No, he doesn't. He doesn't. Yeah. All right. So I'm going to use green flame blade,
so I need two actions for that one. So no, no, no. It's just an action. Sorry. It doesn't take up a bonus action. It just takes an action. Okay. But you also technically still needed an action to do so to hit it, so yeah. So use your bonus. So it just takes an action. No, it doesn't use bonus action at all.
Oh, just takes action. Proceed. We were overcomplicating things. It's been a bit since I've used Green flag blade too. So yeah, just make 'em t roll. Okay. Just a melee attack. Yeah. But since did she take back to the blade? Yes. So you can do it with your charisma, and I believe your charisma is your best stat.
Yeah. The 19. Yeah. So what's your charisma? Your charisma's a plus 4, so that's plus 6. So you add plus 6 to the roll. Okay, roll the thing, and you add plus 6. I can see that's a 19 on charisma. Mm hmm. Yeah. So plus 6. [00:33:00] Aw, man. Why am I getting these worst rolls? Lemon, you said? Yeah. Unfortunately, that'll miss.
Okay. Do I still have a bonus action? Mm hmm. Yes. Yep. Can I cast another cantrip with a bonus action, or no? Only if that cantrip's casting time is a bonus action. Got it. I mean, I think you might have some spells that are bonus actions. Some Lemon spells. No. No? No, I don't. Unfortunately, that will be the end of your turn.
Okay. Alright, and next up is the Saurhord. Who is now a tiger. As a tiger, you can just attack, right? You just don't attack? Yeah, you can you can pounce, but you don't have enough space to pounce on him. But you can bite and claw. Oh, okay. I think it's a multi attack, right? No. No, right? I'm looking at it right now.
Right, Druid rules, multi attacking, right? That said you can choose to bite him or claw him. Which one does, which one does more? Byte. I'll do byte. Alright roll the head, you have a [00:34:00] plus five. So the, the almost, the very jagged sphere. Yeah. Incredibly jagged sphere. Ten. Plus. Plus, plus five.
Plus five. Fifteen. N. Nope, that's the you. But. I know, sixteen. Yep. Oh. Bang. Hits. Alright. And then so do I. What's the damage? For Steve Tiger's bites, you will deal 1d10 plus 3 piercing damage. Okay, so you're looking for the thing that looks like this. This one. This? Yeah, that. Can I roll that? Ah, 3. 3 plus what is that?
3. Okay, so 6. So 6 points of damage noted. Alright, alright, alright. And you also have your bonus action still. Mm hmm. Would you like to use anything? Do I have a bonus action? Yeah. That's a great question. Yeah, man. What does he have? The, the No, what does the tiger have? Yeah, the tiger have. Oh, the tiger have.
Because he's in tiger shape, so he's not really able to use his druid stuff. He's not [00:35:00] high enough level for that. Yeah. You're right. Now there's no bonus? Okay. Well, then I just I just keep staring at the turtle. Yeah, a nice fight. And the troll. It's time for him to get shell shocked.
Is there flanking rules? Oh, right, like, being surrounded by such. Cause like I can move around him then, by, by that rule set, and then be flanking. Oh flanking with, like getting, like getting, Like getting advantaged, yeah. Right. Yeah. Okay, so I'm just gonna go ahead and move around him a little bit while he's, I imagine, nibbling at his ankles, just like, Like you ever seen a cat just basically, like, just go but then he just takes his axe.
And thankfully, because of that, I don't have to wreck his attack. That makes me a little bit better of a tank, because now, if he tries hitting you, it's going to be a disadvantage no matter what. Okay, so that already was going to hit. Oh, nope. Because it was a 19 for the first roll without any modifiers, not a 20, unfortunately. But we're so close. But it will hit. Roll for damage. They were so [00:36:00] close, everybody. I'm so sorry. It's gonna be up to you, wizard. Oh, come on. Alright, well that's at least, like, what? Eight. That's at least eight damage. Could have been so much better, though. Noted. Or actually, no, nine.
Sorry. That was too much I added. That was a six. Alright, yeah. Sorry. Oh, six. Yeah, because, like, I was thinking of, like, both the proficiency bonus and the strength modifier, but it's really just more like It's just plus five, thanks to Rage. Oh, so it's six? Yeah, so it's six. Cool. Got it. Okay that said and done.
That is the end of your turn. Let's see, I have some other cool bonus stuff. But until I don't believe I do, unless you're going to allow unarchitects to do bonus actions. No. I didn't figure, but it was worth a shot. Because no one is going to refuse four damage. On Alright, since it is the end of your, for, end of term, goblin attacks, before the goblin attacks, I know [00:37:00] that I said we wouldn't be here until like, two hours.
Is everybody good? Does anybody need to take off? No, we're good. No, we're good for now. We're here to fight a troll. That's important. Do you know what's up? Yeah, don't worry guys. I just want to make sure, because I know we're over time. Oh, it's fine. Okay. I mean, no one's come in here to yell at us yet, so that's pretty good.
Alright, that said the troll is going to attack the tiger. Yes, to be attacked Oh, wait, how much health do I disadvantage. Oh, wait, so I thought it was after the start of your next turn. Yes, but I hit him again, so that refreshed it. Oh, okay. Yeah. Thank you for reminding me. Every, every first attack I do, it lands on that target, and if he tries to hit anyone that is not me, he gets disadvantage.
Okay Oh, how much health do I got? Oh, okay. For a tiger, you have 37 HP. Oh, and when you lose all health, you revert back to drawing. Yep, to go to 0 36. That's why I do it. No, fair enough. I just like wasting it. Wasting the body. And you got 2 for short rest. Or is it 2 for long rest? [00:38:00] Oh, 2 for short rest. I got the same number it's 17 on the die.
On both of them. Crazy. Yeah. But I can't iron it. As he has his club, so that's a 24 to hit. But you can only do it once though, right? Yeah, and then it's gone. No, just let it hit then. Yeah, you're the guy. Alright. So that's 7 damage so far. Okay. Now I'm just gonna do it again.
That one misses with a 9 total. And then his third and last attack. Oh, also he regains 10 HP. I clawed nothing. I bit nothing. Hub ball. Tiger. I know. I thought it was so cool to do. Hub ball. Tiger ball. I did. No [00:39:00] way you could have done that.
It will hit the tiger's AC with a 14. So that will deal the last time, because last time was seven that'll be nine yeah, nine damage total, sixteen. Okay. So as, as that second game tries to come in you watch as that sort of iridescent copy of him or copy of Obey, kind of like stops the club for a second, tries to retch it out of his hands before the troll has a chance to gain it back, and then also hits you again.
Alright, and it's back to the goblin pack now. Cobol pack, yeah. You said goblin earlier, that's what threw me off. I was like, nah, that's a troll. I am a hobgoblin. Oh yeah, you are, but not that guy. Yes. Starting off with Remember kids, don't feed the trolls. That this cobol here is going to stealth.
Alright, [00:40:00] succeeds in doing so. Alright, cool. And he is going to attack the warlock. So he's gonna hit him with a short bow. And tell me, does
Yeah. Does a 15 hit? It doesn't have to. Me? You do have shield. Oh this is true. Does a 15, would it be 15 damage? Look over your page. No, 15 to hit. Look over your page. Oh, sorry. Farmer class. Oh, she's 12. I'm 12. So yeah, 15. You put you shield. If you didn't want it hit, I think that would take us. It would take a spell slot, and I need to attack, because I keep missing.
Oh no, it's a reaction, so you don't, it's not going to waste your action, it's a reaction. Oh, but it just takes, I got it, so it won't take my It's like Hellish Rebuke, right? Okay, then yeah, I'll use, I'll use shield. But it still takes a slot, though. That's alright. It does. Yeah. But, as far as it being hit with a sneak attack.
Yeah, that, and I can, I do more damage with a longsword than I [00:41:00] do Yeah. Or do the same damage. Long story that's been done as the cobalt shoots suddenly almost with a barrier, a shield is cast and the arrow kind of ricochets off of the shield ending the cobalt's turn. Then we have or Wingy source of bird.
And then looking around, trying to think, was that this pole bolt with the black clothing address? Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Just making sure, because he only got like one HP left, right. Yeah It's going to attack the tiger. Mm hmm It's gonna hit the tiger With a chromatic orb. It still has advantage because of pack tactics
Okay, that will hit with the 15 on the tiger form Dealing 2d6 plus 2, this time it's gonna do asset damage. [00:42:00] Alright, and that is 6 damage. Then, gonna do it again. Good pack tactic still in hand.
There we go, that's 19 to hit, which still hits. And, deals
Yeah, 7 points of asset damage. That'll be the end of this kobold's, that kobold's turn. Now we got the adventurer. And he's going to, once again sling his sling. There it is. Sling a sling.
I'm trying to make sure I get all the information, so I was like, Oh, nevermind, I'm going to do this instead. But, I'm going to do a sling. On the tiger. Ooh. And a nice scene on the die, naturally, hits. It's [00:43:00] dealing six points of damage. Oh I mean, nineteen's good, he's not gonna get a twenty. Yeah. Wait, is this me, or? Oh, the tiger, right? Yeah, the first one? The first one, right? They already got their hits in, with two chromatic bolts. Oh, okay, so it's the next round. Each hit you with a sling, which does deal bludgeoning damage.
Hmm. For the rack. And how much did that one take? That one did four damage. Okay. So I got five, so yeah, period. There we go. And I haven't lost any damage yet. I ain't lost no hp, right? No. Okay. No, you're still, you're still good. All right. And let's see. Oh, we have the al we lock over there and what he doing turns around and sees a.
pale looking elf behind him and he is going to cast fog clap. Not in a tattie. [00:44:00] Basically smoke bomb. Yeah, yeah, but does that work if I have dark vision? Well it's a magic effect. It's not, it's not even like darkness, it's not a level of darkness. Got it, just, it's just fog and darkness are two different things.
Basically obscurements and darkness are two different things. Yeah, so it's a 20 foot circular radius. You'd only be able to see 30 if you somehow had TruSight at fourth level, which is crazy. He is TrueSight means you can see every way. So that means that I would miss him. Fourth, you had trimmer sense, I guess, which you don't, what is the radius of that smoke?
Between in circles, so pretty much this whole area here. All right. And he manages to escape and then it will fast rate. We'll use that to market. Alright, and that will be pretty much the end of the COBOL pack. Now, back to the topic of initiative is our Weezer. What? Our [00:45:00] Weezer? Weezer. A Weezer in a freezer.
I don't know what I was working right again. Oh right, you still got one more slot. He's got one more slot. It's either going to end incredibly well, or incredibly not as well. 15 plus 6, that's 21. Oh, who are you hitting? Great question. This gentleman right here. Wait. He has one I can't remember. I know I hit him.
And Have I hit him at all? You hit him. It was just you missed the winged one once. Let's go after the new opponent that just showed up. I've been hit yet? The warlock. No, because I keep missing. He just showed up, seven. Seven points of damage. On him? Yeah, on him. Next, the winged. As he [00:46:00] turns to ash. Sixteen. Have you ever seen Crash Landing on the Moon death animations? It's like that. All that's left is a dance. To which one? To the winged one. Oh, right. Have you ever seen Mars Attacks? What was the damage again?
Five. Five, noted. Okay. He Mars Attacks, yeah. An old movie from Yeah, still standing, surprisingly. Little aliens, yeah, come down. Jack Black in it. I used to watch that movie all the time. Back on cable TV. Sixteen. Sixteen? Sixteen. For the Warlock Kobold. That, there we go. There are loads here, there we go.
You said a 16? 16. That'll hit. That'll hit? Yeah. For 6 points of damage. Woo, alright. Does a decent hit. But he's still standing. And now he has some damage. Now there's only 3 kobolds in the fight. 3 heavily damaged kobolds.[00:47:00]
I can't move. For walking, how is that? I can move 30 feet. Yeah. Okay. I can come, 5, 10, 15. I can come right here, right? Yeah. All right. And I'm out of the smoke, right? Yeah. Okay. I can see the little dude in front of me. Yep. Thank you. And yeah, I want to, I want to just shank him. Just long sword D 20 roll, the hit and you and where you're hitting the, that little one point helps go.
The one one point helps the one that she could sneeze on it, it would die. And watch, we miss this one too. . You could do it. I. Come on. 20, 20, 20. 13 plus 6. 19, that's good. 19, alright. Does she have to though? Just one point. It was one digit. A one digit. This is the [00:48:00] shape of the detail. It's not, it's just the one.
Well, you can't use that one. This one. Yeah, there we go. Must be two health, watch. Watch. Oh, seven, that's good. Seven plus whatever your charisma mod is. Cause Oh, eleven. As you like, start killing him he dies within the blade. And now, you still have a bonus action if you wish to use it. Okay I don't have a move that I can, I don't, yeah, I don't have any bonus action.
I guess can I attack again with the bonus action or is that no? You gotta have that attack thing. Then yeah, no thanks. I guess I'm done. I'm stuck. Alrighty, and that'll be the end of your turns. Next up is our tanker. Bite! Oh wait, it's a 10, [00:49:00] right? Well you gotta roll hit first. You gotta roll the d20 first.
Oh yeah, that's right. Bite! You gotta, you gotta land the bite before you That'll miss. Miss? How do you miss it? What kind of tiger is you? Because I'm flinking. Yeah. Yeah, roll again. Advantage. Advantage. You're breathing. Mhmm. It still misses. Alright. What kind of tiger are you? Go back to Go back to tiger school.
I wanted to be a turtle. He's not even a tiger. It's not parade. He's an elephant right now. He's not good at fighting things. He's good at being petty and spiteful. Alright. And last in our player mission, our very favorite turtle, Opet. I'm not teenage, I'm not mutant, and I'm not a ninja, but that's not stopping me from showing eternal power.
Cowabunga it is. Indeed. Oh, please no. Please roll better than a six. Please, with advantage. Oh, thank god. Okay. I feel like a sixteen on the die is gonna hit. Yes. [00:50:00] Alright. Rage. Please. Oh, that's pretty good. That's a four, er, sorry, that's a fifteen. Excuse me. Fifteen. Yes, fifteen damage. I was on the higher end, thankfully.
Cause I, once again, this time I sink it to his spine. Just Just. It's like Alright. That'll be it. He seems like he's regenerating. There's fire on it. Oooh? Hint. Nothing that's burning can regenerate. Alright. As soon as I get rid of these kobolds. Alright, next up we have our troll. And he is going to It's a good thing he can't understand common, moron.
I cast Vicious Mockery, but he can't understand me, so it has no effect.
The D4, it does [00:51:00] nothing. Tell me, does the 17 hit? Unfortunately, yeah. Or, that's my AC, so yeah, it does. Yeah. Yeah, greater than or equal to, for those that don't know. Yes. All right, and I'll deal eight, so four. Nineteen. Two is just generating. You got to do something about that. Twelve, so six damage. I don't have fire.
Six damage. Six more damage. Okay. Yeah, you got fire. You just decided to go into tiger form. Because it's cool. I want to be a turtle. They forced me into tiger state. I, I got a wild shape. 'cause look at me in fence pants. Drew in. What type of type? 22, 20 to hit. Yeah, it's crammy. No, it's a good thing. He doesn't have advantage.
Seven. So cut down a four. Oof. Okay, so that's a total damage. So I've been reduced To have [00:52:00] health directly have health fire would be really nice. Somebody beat me at a tiger. The people that can use fire beat me on a tiger form. We got our cold bull pack. At least I think it's going to get me before that happens, , even with the fact that I'm raging, man.
How long do you rage for? Until five minutes. It lasts for, basically lasts for what is basically a minute and a minute's. 10 turns. Okay. But I mean, I can rage again. It is, I can rage like up to three times a day. It does. Other benefits, I've just not had a good enough excuse. To use the other benefit, which is advantage on all strength related checks.
After, after we finish this battle, are we getting a along ru? Well it might be the finale. Oh, okay. But yes okay, so I'm as well both sides short. COBOL is going to cast. You can short wrist any, anytime. Matic bolts. You got the, the wizard If you can sit down for an hour. What? It's a na 20 against on the wizard.
Oh no. Yeah, you shield. Can you get to that 20? Never [00:53:00] mind. Well, what would be the total? 46 plus 2. Okay, so never mind. That's the damage? Yeah, because it's critted. Woo! I, oh, I, I mean, I meant, like, on the roll to hit. But, I mean, it's a nat 20, come on. Come on. Can you change it, Maxon? Can I change that divination to a 5?
Yeah! Oh, you didn't use the 5 yet! You didn't use the 5! So can I change it to a 5? Yeah!
He wanted to kill somebody so bad. Disappointment. I think it's just because he already got his dice out too. And I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids.
Nelson of Murdoch rules lawyer at law. Were you, was he going to bash him with his club? No so the Sorcerer [00:54:00] Popol was going to crit on him doing acid damage, and he, he avoided his fate. For the record, Luke, you're the one who gave him the gun that said no. So that's on you. Fair enough. Alright, so that'll be the end of this question.
I have one more attack. No way it's another 20. Thankfully no, it's not. It's yeah, 16, which will miss. Is AC 16? My 16, yeah, 13. Oh, well, that does regular damage. That's better than a cringe. Yeah. Alright, ooh. So he, you'll take, where does it say? Bingo. 7, 6 13 asset damage. He is down to 1 from the folks at home.
Mm. Alright that'll be the end of that kobold's turn. Now we got the other kobold's turn, and Oh no, it was [00:55:00] nice knowing you. for Hey wizard, evens or odds? Odds. Or same thing. I mean, you still got a chance. It's
odds. Or heads, that was my closest word I can officiate with. Yeah he's not going to attack you, but he's going to attack the tiger. Mm. Mm. All right. That ain't nothing. Okay, with advantage. Yeah, still going to miss on the first attack. Easy. With a ten. I'm going to keep in mind, you have a better AC than the tiger does.
Oh, thanks