Wanna Play D&D?
**New Episodes Every Wednesday***
Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy tabletop role-playing game originally created, designed and published in 1974. Since then its been growing in popularity taking on many mediums such as music, movies, videogames, and livestreams. Now a days there has been a greater social acceptance of interest that were once considered "nerdy" or geeky" and even then there are still folks out there who have yet to play. Here is where we find them, so how about it? Wanna Play D&D?
Wanna Play D&D?
The Trouble with Portals and Pooches Part 1
A group of players embarks on a fantastical Dungeons & Dragons campaign set in the mystical Feywild. As the adventurers—comprising a shell-wearing Tortle named Ope, a scarred Hobgoblin wizard called Rokook, a summer Eladrin druid Saurhorn, and a Shadar-Kai Warlock named Nero Kellan—experience the theft of their precious belongings by a blink dog, they are led into the Feywild to confront the mischievous creature and its satyr master, Andran the Red. With details on their characters, history, and combat strategies, they embark on a quest to solve the mysterious gray affliction threatening the realm, hoping to recover their items and secure valuable riches.
So as you kind of see on my little DM screen, which is, keeps all the magic behind the scenes, no pun intended. Pretty much, as you can see from the title of it, it's not The exact campaign, because that is the official name, but it's in the setting of the Feywild, which is where y'all will be going into, but I won't go further other than that, in D& D there's dozens of settings that you can play into in the world of Dungeons Dragons. Everything from the Fey Run and the Sword Coast, which is a very popular use of a setting. From everything from Waterdeep, which has had three campaign adventures for you, for you and your partying players to go blunder on.
Also Baldur's Gate, which also has three adventure campaigns that you can pretty much go into from either the Dungeon of the Dead Mage, of the Mad Mage, my bad, and Descent into a Furnace. But also as of recent especially last year. Excuse me. You've also got to see it come to life through the highly regarded and multi time game of the year winner Baldur's Gate 3.
If you guys already heard that that setting that the game has is first introduced through this lovely game of Dungeons and Dragons. Yeah, when Dez and I talked, he, yeah, I love Baldur's Gate. Yeah, I love it. So that's why when they said this is D& D, it was Boulder Skate, I was like, well, shh, I love it there.
Pretty much, yeah. Oh yeah. It's like you get to roll pretty looking dice, or math rocks, as the goblins would call it. And everything else on top of that. Plus, I have character sheets that are pre made, so that way we don't have to go through the hassle. But, maybe one day. We'll do a deep dive on character building 101.
Oh, you use a sheet to do it. Wow. Yeah, you do. I always thought you had to remember it. No. I mean, you can. You can if you want to do hardcore mode. But, other than that. I was like, I don't know how you do stats. You have to remember it. I don't understand. How do they keep up with that? Well, there's a lot of ways you can do it.
The classical sheet of paper and pencil. Which also, we need to grab pencils. I know the staff has them. So go grab them. So you can do classic sheet of paper, which has been a thing since the first edition of D& D. Yes, this is the fifth edition. This thing has been going since the 1970s, so about 77, 75, or even earlier than that.
And then it got really popular in the 80s with the second edition with the classic red box art of the dragon going head to head against the Barbarian. And that image itself, personifies Dungeons Dragons. The fantasy, the adventure, the amount of different classes that you can play as.
Such as Barbarian, as I mentioned earlier. Wizards your Rogues, your Bards. The classic fantasy attune for your daily adventure. Or weekly adventure. Yes, we have four options for you guys to choose from. Who will win? All right. Okay, so I pick between these. Yeah. Oh, okay.
Do I just take it? Yes. You'll be using that. So now we have three. I will likely take the last one, unfortunately. But yeah. As I mentioned, or as he mentioned earlier he has selected the druid. The druid named Saurhorn. Saurhorn, he is a Eletrin, which means he is a elf with seasonal powers.
And him specifically, he is the Eletrin of summer. And each Eletrin has four different seasons. Hello, Will. Sorry. No, you're fine, you're fine. We're about to be getting started soon. And for popping on. Of course, yeah. Yeah, so this is Will. He's one of my other co Dungeon Masters that has worked alongside me for the likes of Bull Montsuri and Chax Popcon from earlier this year.
He's also an official member of DM4Hire Incorporated as a fellow Dungeon Master. He also runs his own other RPGs he's going to be running a Fallout themed tabletop RPG very soon. It's a very exciting time here at our little company. Yes. As well as a lot of a indie game called Panic at the Dojo that I highly recommend looking into.
Bare minimum you pay is 15 bucks, it is a fantastic fighting game slash beat em up tabletop RPG. That does sound pretty interesting. Is it at Darby's or do you do it like? Oh that one which one? The Panic! at the Dojo. Yeah. Oh it's just been something I've been getting into because they're about to release a lot more stuff for it really soon.
Cause it's basically now but it's 2. 0 stage because of how much the, how much attention it's gotten pretty recently. Oh, okay. They have their own unofficial but technically official discord. Alright, alright. Yeah. You said pounces. Oh, yes. Oh, yeah, I've got one. Oh. There we go. Passed that around. All right, all right, all right.
Go to the desk and see if they've got another. Sure. All right. So you have Saurhorn, as I mentioned earlier. And then Neurose. Saurhorn. The missus has Neurose. He is a Shatterkai Warlock of the Hexblade. So what do you do in HP? Oh, no, it's all right. Manual, yeah. So it's max HP. There's some games, Yeah.
So there's some that have fixed HP, but I like to do at max HP since I feel like that's more appropriate, and usually the fixed stuff has it way lower, for no reason, can you get more HP as you level, or is it just Oh, yes. As you level, you can gain more HP. you more HP. More HP, more abilities, more tricks to choose from.
And every fourth even level which would be like level 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 you can gain ability score improvements, or a That's fine. Yeah. Or ability score improvements, or feat of your choice. Okay. Feats or like little extra cool things. abilities and stuff that you can unlock from that. But you can only choose one per 4th, 8th, 16th, and 20th level.
Do as you will. And yeah. And then of course, ability score improvements, well, improves your ability scores, which are the six that are on the side right there from Strength, Dex, Con Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma. And for you, you specialize with the Charisma, not Charisma, but the Wisdom.
Ability score, which should be right there, because you are a Druid, you're very wise, you're one with the forest, as they say. Oh yes, the classic. Now let's see, which one did
you choose? Oh no, you just chose the special priority, okay, right. I was getting my names mixed around. It's been a minute. Yeah. Alright, and I see Laran chose the wizard. Of Rokook, the wizard. The Z is silent. What's his name again? Rokook. Yeah, the C is silent.
I assume D& D Beyond does that. Yeah, you've got a third page dedicated just for spells. Same for Yahtzee, actually.
It doesn't, but I know a good couple of them off the back of my hand. I do have the app on my phone, too. Oh, there you go. Yeah, if you have D& D Beyond as well, and the Player's Handbook also helps as well. And on them we'll have the reference page for a set spell. Which is very nice to have. Yes, yes, yes.
I'm kind of surprised y'all gravitated towards all the spellcaster classes. That was an accident. You know what druids do? Yeah, but I'm used to the bear one. Oh, the circle, circle of the moon. Yeah, circle of the moon. That's what I was thinking of when I, but then I looked at it and I was like, god damn.
What circle did I get? What circle? Wildfire. Yeah, Wildfire. That's cool. Yeah. That's all good. The next time I'll read them. Dedicated fire subclass of the game. Okay, I'll take it. It's a little bit messed up when you think about it, until you realize, right, forest fires rejuvenate. You also get like a cool little fire pet thing that you can just summon and you can shoot spells through it.
I was reading that. Oh, that actually helps. Summon wildfire spirit. Oh, and it also can help you teleport allies to safety while it burns things that are next to it. See, that kind of sounds like something. What patron a summon. She has the Hexblade. I'll be good. It's all good. Ah, yes. So you literally get to be Sora because Hexblade, the Hexblade patron is a living weapon.
Yes. Which by extension can be the Keyblade. Yes. And your weapon selected by your holy patron is a, a long sword. So do what you owe with that. All right. I've never played a wizard before. . You just have a lot of spells. Yeah. Which may, may not come attend. Do you mind if I see the second? Don't.
Fireball and my tavern fire. What school did you get? Divination. Divination. Divination. Iss a great one. So cool thing about it at the start of each day is divination wizard. You roll two e twenties. And you sorry co worker, I work here. But yeah, you roll 2d20s and you note those down. And then at any point, as a reaction, you can go, Oh, you rolled a 20?
Actually, you rolled a 1. Sit down. Gotcha, that's, okay. Yeah, just the same thing, what Greg used to do. He goes, go ahead, if you want, you can roll 2d20s and know what they are right now if you want. And do I keep those throughout? You just keep once you use them, Yeah. But, it's either use them or lose them because you'll have to roll them the next day as well.
After a long rest. Gotcha. Yeah. Alright. Pretty great. We're all ready? Yes. Alright, alright. This one. Okay, all set. That's ready. Gear's ready. Alright. Perfect. Okay. Our story begins in the much more normal city. Of water deep, a nice afternoon where things just, are as they go as everyone is doing their usual daily, daily activities.
Starting off with a, looks to be a reddish looking pointed ear wizard with as many books in hand. Ready to head off to the next scholar building to continue his studies of the iconic arts. Not too far from said wizard's destination is the local dock, where we see a rather big shelled individual, ready to get his next catch of anything possibly to one's imagination but fine, fine grilled feast, as they say.
And not too far from that either, we have what looks to be a gunnery, a nice garden shop. Being visited by a almost golden skin looking traveler with a little fiery passion for red trees and red oaks. And not far from that, we have a figure hiding in the shadows with eyes glowing a kind of white glow.
But at the same time looking at a bounty board, not too far, of its next catch of gold from completing a task of bringing in someone alive, or in somebody cold. That is, until one particular creature starts hopping, almost leap for leap, through a bluish looking portal, almost jagged in nature.
where we see this yellowish looking dog that if you blink you miss it. Seeing that the dog catches what looks to be a fishing lure out of the shell figure's basket of fishing goods. A spell book from the wizard walking towards his school. A bounty sheet with a hefty amount of gold that you couldn't remember because it was precisely the moment this.
dog starts catching the sheet and running off through a portal. And as you pick up a nice lovely pot of red ivory flowers suddenly the creature itself naps it into its mouth and hops out of the portal. And the four of you having your precious goods stolen are heading towards the center to try to find where this Creature is, and thus, is where all of you meet.
And going from left to right, we shall introduce one another. Starting off with our shell looking friend. So I am playing as Ope. You can kind of see he's seen Oh, sorry. Ope. Ope. Okay. Ope. Wasn't quite certain. I don't know, maybe he's just really midwestern. I was gonna say Ope? Ope. That was the thought that went through my mind, but no.
So yeah, he stands, I would say, roughly about 6'5 right? His toenails are pretty tall. Pretty tall, yeah. And he seems like particularly, I would say very spherically shaped, but that's more just his shell, right? You can kind of think of Oogway from like Kung Fu Panda, where it's like just very oblongly shelled.
Yeah. Whatever. He's got very, he's got a very wide stance, just partially due to that, but also because he's still a quite broad individual. I would say he's probably a bit more of a color that tries to mimic water almost more like a brackish y kind of yellow, maybe? As he also has the great axe that he was that's more, honestly, more like a bit of an anchor.
Almost more than a great axe that's kind of slung over his back. As he seems to be basically trying to stare and, er, stare at the, er, trying to stare at the problem and comprehend. Because one of the things that he hates more than anything else is magic. More than anything else. Especially if this dog is going to blink in existence.
Don't think I didn't see what you did there. Alrighty, and we see our wizard friend. You shall introduce yourself. Roku is, Ro, Roku? Roku. Roku. Yeah. Is a hobgoblin. Which, I've never heard of a hobgoblin wizard before, let's see. I would say he probably has a couple scars from practicing a lot of magic that didn't go well.
Mostly burn scars. He tends to like fire, but fire does not tend to like him. You don't particularly would see him as a wizard. Cause as the, the normal wizard guards with, a pointy hat and robes and he has that, but they're all covered in soot and sunder and burned and, and he just.
He never likes to change because it's, it reminds him of how far he's come from when he began his, his wizarding world. And he's a very His hound goblins are no, they're they're tall. They're tall. Yeah, they're medium size. Okay medium size And along with those ferns, he's like on the same particular side of his face as half of his ear is gone and the elongated tooth that the hop goggles may have, one of those are missing.
It protrudes over his lip, but it's not as sharp as the other one. Okay. So it's almost like cutting down. Alright. And he probably Yeah, it was like a long black beard that has a couple of burp marks in there as well. Oh yeah. And every time you're around him, you always get that, kind of like somebody's burning trees type of smell.
Yeah. That type of smell. And that's Roku. Alright. Smell like a hearth. And speaking of fire our druid friend, please do introduce yourself. Are y'all, are y'all getting that information off the sheet? No, I just made that up. On the fly. Gotcha, gotcha. I'm Saurhorn. Saurhorn. Saurhorn. I'm a druid.
Eladrins, are they, are they pretty tall, or? Yeah, they're about medium size, they're seasonal elves. Seasonal? Okay. An elf, but he, him, since he is a elegant of summer has gold skin with almost golden hair to match with the little red highlights. He looks and smells like a fresh summer's day.
Okay. And to have fire around my eyes and fire on my hands, much like Endeavor. Okay. I like to burn and incinerate things. Anybody who doesn't like fire, you're just gonna have to get over it. If you don't like magic, you're gonna have to get over it, cause I'm full of it.
I am Saurhorn. Sarnhorn. Alrighty, and our last companion, likely. In pale white and darkened clothes, please do introduce yourself. Pale white and darkened clothes. I am Nero's Kellan. Shadar Kai. That's in It says that I speak Elvish, so I'm assuming it's an Elf. Yes, you're a type of Elf. Okay. Yeah.
Oops, almost all Elves. That's fine. Well, I believe you mean, oops, almost all Fae. Since Hobgoblins are now considered Fae. That's true. Very antipositive. I'm sorry. You're right, it's a pretty recent development. Yeah. All goblinoids are faint now. Yeah, thanks to the Multiversal Monsters. Which came out before the new 2024 edition.
The more you know. But, yes. How would you like to describe your character? Nero's Kellan, he is pale and tall. He's kind of thin. Hmm. He's got Very dark hair. He wears an eye patch over his right eye. He keeps his dark hair. Keep going. I'm sorry. Don't be hating. He's very tall. Keeps his dark hair in a single braid.
Kind of, he has it kind of sitting over his left shoulder. He wears a I wear light armor and medium armor. So he's got leather armor on. And it's very intricately carved. And you can tell that it was done by a really good craftsman. This isn't cheap or shoddy armor. He has a very empty look behind his eyes.
He's seen some things. He's, he's lived through some stuff. His aura almost feels very, it, it engulfs you, and it's intimidating, but it doesn't feel like you're, you're terrified, you don't feel as if you should run, you just feel overwhelmed when he, when he is near you. Very nice. With introductions aside, and personal belongings lost to you, would you all like to share what has been taken from you, and what you guys saw before the occurrence happened?
For Ope, it was his favorite lure, the thing that he very much affectionately calls froggy. As it's I don't know if you see this one, but the frog is shaped a little bit like a frog and seems kind of relatively big, but he likes to go for big catches on occasion. Ah. That's why it's his favorite.
Oh. What he saw was a rascally looking sort of like yellowishy kind of wood, or sort of like wood furred creature with very scrawny skin like flat ears in a canine form. Come by and leech it from his hand, or leech it from his hand so he was kind of casually like swinging it around a little bit.
And as such basically went into a dead sprint point after it. All right. And as mentioned earlier, our poor Wizard friend ook lost his famous spell book. Would you like to share how much you cherish your spell book? I cherish my spell book very much . It's been with me since I was a wee Hop gola.
Matter of fact, it wasn't even my spell book. I had to. from the, the hands of a, of a wizard that I had killed in battle. And after that, I felt that there was a, a better way to go about through the world. So I started learning wizardry throughout this, this claim spellbook. And it very much reminds me of, of home.
And I would like to get it back. Because it also has It has a vial as a bookmark that I keep in there, and that vial has the ashes of the, the very first spell I cast and didn't go well, and it exploded, so I gathered up all the soup and ash into the vial that I usually wear, or keep it, in that book to mark my place.
So both of those things are very special to me, and I'm gonna fillet this dog once I catch him. Alright, and poor Sarhorn, after paying a hefty amount of gold for a nice red velvet flowers and unfortunately getting nabbed by the dog itself. How do you feel when you lost that precious last thing of flowers that you were going to buy from the garden shop?
Sarhorn, I am very upset. I was I had those on layaway. I spent a lot of time, a lot of, a lot of adventures collecting to get that. And I am very upset. I, Sorrowhorn, pledge to get back what was stolen. Hobgoblin friend, we will incinerate them together. I burn. Sorrowhorn promises you this. Okay Ha, ha, ha.
Very determined. I love the spirit. And now dear Warlock, do tell what the last thing you saw on the bounty, like the face of your next cash for happy gold. As I stare at the bounty board,
I'm, wait, so I'm looking at the last thing I saw or I'm staring at the bounty board right now? Yeah, do you? The last time you hold that sheet that had a very highly rewarded bounty, and as you're about to read the price and location the blank dog steals it and blips out of existence.
The last thing I remember on that bounty sheet was a Bounty for an orc. An orc? This orc was female. Okay. And she I remember reading on there that she was an very fierce warrior. And that she was responsible for ransacking several villages on her own. No team needed. I didn't catch what the exact amount of the bounty was, but I do remember thinking that it was quite large, and that it was going to be enough to put away some money to My little sister, a proper house, after we, after we lost our entire village, our entire clan to a great event
she, I, I found her in the ashes and rubble. She was only two years old at the time, and I vowed that I would always take care of her no matter what. And I was, I've been working really hard collecting bounties. And hoping to finally get enough together to buy her a nice house in a nice quiet village somewhere where she would be able to settle down and feel safe and maybe feel, get a sense of identity once again.
And when I catch that little mud, I'm gonna rip him limb from limb. Jeez. It's just a, it's just a boa. Laughs. Well, as you guys are reminiscing and sharing the same occurrence that happened to you within this very city blinking right away is this yellow furred looking dog sitting right in front of a open, jagged, blue portal.
What do you guys do as you see this familiar pooch? I throw one of my javelins at it. I am specifically trying to aim it to where it'll land dead center in the middle of its body and try to pin it to the ground. Jesus. I ignite it with fire. I ignite the sphere with fire. I would also like to finish to make sure it's definitely Wow.
Look, Ope really likes Froggy, okay? He's not Or, sorry, Ope really likes Froggy. Do we see our personal effects that we're taking? Or is it just I'm more surprised you guys are really violent towards this dog. But, if that's the case if you so wish to Yeah, roll me a persuasion check. I have to contest against the party's wisdom scores.
Okay. Seven. No modifier. Seven modifier, okay. No modifier. Yeah, everyone's ticked. Eight magic dogs. Eight thieves. We all just look at you, we're like, Love me froggy. Love me axe. Simply axe. Alright but, yes, do roll to hit, or try to hit this poor innocent dog. Yeah, I'm also going to Reckless Attack so that way I get advantage.
That's a Barbarian specific feature. Basically it means that anybody that tries to hit me for the rest of the round will have advantage to hit me. Hence the reckless part of it. Okay. I needed that, yeah, looks like I really needed that. That is a 16. To your surprise, Yes. This misses the dog as he hops through another portal and your javelin drives into the ground.
And then he hops through another portal, now closer to y'all. And he's just sitting there, panting, looking at all four of you. What do you do as you see it right there? Try to grab him, try to catch him, or try to at least Do you have any food on me, any treats, and try to lure it closer? ? Yes, of course.
Some rations or, yes. Yes. You have a couple of small rations. Wait, wait, I got animals speak. Oh, speak with animals. Yeah, I just, I just wanna talk to him all. So you speak to, unless he has to go first, if it's, 'cause I guess we take to first I'll hold out the rations to try and keep it from scattering away.
Yes. Rob made some animal handling, so that would be right. Yeah. This one, it's alphabetically sorted, well, thankfully, thankfully it was pretty easy since he takes a nice little bite of rations out of your hand and such and after that, he's more politer this time. And as you cast speak with animals since he is fey, I will give it a exception since he's more dog like and such. So he does speak, but he speaks Actually, he can't speak it.
Wow, that's lame. He does understand Elvish, but he can speak in Common. Do ask away any questions you have for this dog. Why have you taken my flowers? Oh, my, my master needs it. You can meet him if you hop through here. I I then go to incinerate this mine. At this point, I'm kind of noticing that y'all two are like doing your own thing.
Opet goes to grab his javelin, at least, and rips a chunk of the ground out of it, out at the same time as he drove that javelin pretty far in and kind of like, Just clings across the rock, just watching this. Before we incinerate this poor creature, might I suggest that we find out who its masters are.
There might be a reason why these particular items, that were only personal to us, were taken. Saurhorn can respect logic. Thank you Saurhorn. And then, we will proceed to burn whatever stands in our way. Alright, so as the dog once again jumps through its little portal that it has created do you wish to follow?
I would reach up and tap it. Is it like water or energy? Yeah. I would say roll me a small arcana check to test the quality of the portal. Sure. Well, he keeps rolling seven on the die! Thankfully, you've got a plus six on chrono check. So that's thirteen. How do you know what number we need to be at, though?
Like, where's I, I Oh, okay, okay. Gotcha. Unless I do say, clarify, your DC is Insert number here. Okay. Which you'll usually do with saving throws, which are, like, your defenses against certain things for example, August Poison, that would be a Constitution saving throw. You can say, oh yeah, DC this number.
DC meaning difficulty check. Meaning the number you need to meet or beat. Yeah. Warm ups, ladies. 13. 13, yes. As you try to identify and get a feel for the works of this furry portal itself it is, again, wild in nature, because it's made by a creature of nature from a realm that is similar to ours, but not so much.
But it is, thankfully, safe to try first through. Okay, I'll step through. Alright, it says he follows. Do you take the step in as well? You can just kind of see him kind of calmly take out just a bit of fish he had, and it's just like something kind of normal sized. Just immediately just think of tuna bites it right off or bites the head right off.
You can hear the bones crunchy between his teeth. He's enjoying it. Like one would enjoy like sunflower seeds. He goes, I magic, I they in dogs, but an ugly foggie. Nice. And he walks right there. All right. Nero's killing kind of has just an amused look on his face as he watches the three. Has only two gone through the portal so far?
So far, yeah. As he watches. The two walk through the portal glances over at Sarnhorn, just kind of with a look on his face eh, you need to go, there we go, I guess, sarnhorn looks back. Nero's killing is a man of few words. We must go. I haven't fully paid off those flowers yet. I have no choice.
All right, so you two proceed for the portal, and as you do. And all four of you step through the jagged blue portal made by the blink dog itself. And upon entry, you see what blows your mind at the landscape where it looks like nature and it's almost made by nature, by a realm that's just taken over by it in its own order.
And for those that have proficiency in history. Please do roll. I mean, I'll roll. But I don't think I'm gonna get it. I might as well, cause it'll just be funny. Oh, I actually do have a proficiency in history. Oh, man, I don't. That's a nine. Which one are we rolling? I don't need to know things. I got a seven.
I got a seventeen. But I have a plus zero. I mean, that's really good. And you could've. Yeah. Plus 6. Oh yeah. So 25. Yes. And with the highest roll our wizard who understands the inner imaginations of traveling through different realms or dimensions, if you will you Rakuuk identified this very realm of existence known as the Feywild.
Oh. So we're in the Feywild. Yeah, that's probably a good time to stop. Is everyone that's coming through behind me? Yes, since you went in first. Okay, and then I'm like, ah, we're in the Feywild. You just hear bones crunching. Mind your step. Don't follow any random fairies. And then you see, again, another blue portal open up as Jalls closes.
The same familiar blink dog as he barks at the four of you and proceeds to almost like hop through five feet apart of portals left and right in a very playful manner.
All right. Do you follow? Yeah. All right. Before I follow, can I see, is he on a specific trajectory? I want to see if I can tell where he's going. Is there a castle in the difference that he may be springing to? Good question. With your passive perception that is shown right over here. With how much you can see, you can definitely tell that he is going towards a direction to the northwest as he going from portal to portal, very playfully.
Oh, possibly. Oh, so he's headed northwest and nothing in the distance that I can see. Not at the moment, no. But from what you can tell right now including all of y'all's passive perceptions it is a very cloudy, very green realm of existence where you see yellow orbs glowing around you and water flows just flowing not too far, about at least 60 feet away from where you guys are standing on this nice, green, mossy swampy grass that you guys are currently in right now.
Not difficult, but rather a very different appearance than what you guys are used to and your native realm of existence. Too much yellow, too much green. And so as you guys continue onwards and seeing a whole different world in front of you the blink dog finally stops after. Roll the distance you guys have traveled, give or take.
One mile, thankfully. And the Blink Dog kinda almost lays down. Almost on its side panting. And it looks to be a giant log just standing about. Sideways, and of course, much other wildlife, at least in this realm from fairy dragons flying out of the high top trees of multi different colors, blues, greens, little bits of yellows and oranges, and, oh my and there is no one around as of yet, as you see this dog sitting there almost waiting for someone.
How long is it gonna be, Mutt? Animal speed. And he says, oh, he's right there. And, almost appearing in a wish of wind, a satyr appears. This is what he looks like.
He takes his hand. And it begins to flick with the flame.
I assume you're casting Firebolt. I want to set him on fire. All right, and as you cast Firebolt, roll me a range attack. Which will be this nice little detourner. Along with the both sides. I'm gonna roll a nat 20. I'm gonna roll it. And then you add your Wisdom Modified Proficiency bonus. Oh man. And as And as you flick from the wrist a Firebolt towards this Charlie Go Lucky Satyr the Firebolt lands almost right at the bottom of his hoops.
And also, as you look closely with your passive reception again this Satyr has very, light brown fur. Blackened hooves a nice red vest, and very shaggy looking hairstyle both facial and naturally on top of his head with a nice flute on his side and another weapon on a rapier sheathed.
But he looks at all of y'all, almost laughing chalkily. He's ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ah, finally good ol Griffin managed to bring me a couple of people to help with a situation that we have here in the Feywild. Situation? Get me from here. Situation? Why should we help you? You've stolen a lot of personal things from everyone here.
Yes, exactly. What, what's in this for us? Ah, well, of course, in the rules of the Feywild itself. Of course your lovely belongings that you so dearly wish to have will return to your very pockets once your task is done. Cause here in the Feywild we have very, very select rules when it comes to this realm of existence.
And, what if I say no? Well, then you'll be stuck here forever and then if you do manage to return you become old and saggy because here a day Is about on average, eight hours according to the native people of the Faerun Then if you do return Say within 30 days you would age 30 years I Time out for a second.
Just a quick question. The My Eldritch being pacted with or whatever, right? That's my sword. Yes. Okay. Got it. Does it ever communicate with me? It does, yeah. It does, okay. Do you wish to speak to it? I do. Ah, well, we'll get to that moment. And as he looks to a hobgoblin wizard in your party, he's Ah, finally, fellow fae.
It's been a little while since I've last seen you. Brethren, if you will not exactly. I'm more of the better looking side of the Fay Wild. You look inside, he is pretty good looking, my friend. Are you, are you gonna take that though? Wait a cat tag on minute? No. Hate the contrary. Always. Yeah, friend.
Of course not. Of course. Absolutely. The uglier the better. Some say like spit on that entire crushed fish skull. Is it like, is it like when the owls like spit out the little pellet? Oh yeah, but it's imagine if a fish skull could be like crunched up into a wadded ball of gum. Okay, I just, oh.
Oh, Neros Kellin looks in complete horror. He's seen things, but not those things.
Ah, a buddy of mine can do that too. Very funny. All can also do with your head if you don't give me big frogy . I love me a good joke when I hear one here in this part of town or forest, wherever the nine hills I am in. But yes, without any delay or time wasted with you locked, standing here aging by the minute.
I will gladly and tell you what I need and your assistance. I think we should make this quick. I mean, either. Either we can try and take back We don't see our personal effects on the movie. We'll spit it out, tiddlywinks.
spits out flow of words and almost turns into almost like the opening of Star Wars where you see gold lettering come out of his mouth and flowing down and fistering at the bottom of the grass. And of course the words do entail that the satyr you're talking to, his name, no other being let's see.
Oh, here we go. Excuse me. For Andran the Red And he entails that lately within the Faerie Feywild, things are starting to go grey in select areas. Especially that in Hither. Currently where you guys are standing in is the third realm out of the three known as Hither. Now Hither, being the swampy place itself has already taken a few flows of grey, which is In a way, killing the Feywild and it's up to the party, being y'all to solve that case.
And you might be wondering, why a personal belonging? Well, as he points over to Griffin, his blink dog he uses Griffin to bring in the Feywild. Adventurers outside of the Feywild, and bring them in to hopefully solve the dilemma that is currently running amok within the Faerie Fae. And then the worst all sunk down to the grass, viscerating, disappearing.
I'll give you this. It's Jabber on all day. Ah, well, I do appreciate a Jabber too, fear shell friend. Never quite seen a tortle before, but I've always heard about it from outside adventurers who've wrote about it in their little books. Ah, truly, truly there is, my friend. Truly there is. On the, well, it's not in this area.
It's all the way up north, my dear friend. Ah, no, not yet. Not yet. Thankfully not, because the Grey has been kind of turning things into rather stonified, or petrified even. So that's the current dilemma this poor Feywild, at least in this side of the existence, is currently dealing with. Saurhorn has questions for Attractive Man.
Thank you, proceed. Saurhorn wonders, what's in it for us? Ah, well, besides getting your lovely belongings back, you do return back to the Feywild unharmed and un aged. Well, attractive, mate. Yes. I'm in debt. Huh. I still owe money on those flowers. Oh, I, I, I mean, did you already, what they call it, purchase said flowers from your lovely realm of existence?
Yes, I did. Huh. Saurhorn took off, said, I did. I owed some money still told him I'd be back with the money. Then your pet came, took it, tried to incinerate, talked about you. Hobgoblin convinced me not to incinerate pet. It's only fair. Just hand me some money. We help you pay off sawhorn debt. We good.
I want some money too. And elf friend wants money too. Every money for everybody. He ate his fish. He would have still had that fish. Sawhorn is really make a good case here. As he kind of starts levitating criss cross with his legs, almost like I'm a lazy man, or at least that's what they call it.
And he kind of, scratches and pulls his beard. It's hmm. Riches and gold this party here seeks. Well, here we don't have gold, but! From what I've heard from dear adventurers, anything in the Feywild is very valuable in their little home of existence. So what I can offer to ye dear adventurers is some lovely, things of value that you can bring back to your lovely home of the Feyrun.
Do we have a deal? Saul Horn can agree to this as long as companions are in agreement. However, yes, Saul Horn does state, if we don't find riches, my friend, I will incinerate you. Nero's Kellan begins to tap Sarn Horn on the shoulder and kind of, corral the other two, like we're like backing away into a group so we can whisper amongst ourselves.
I like the touch, opaque, like it's like touching an entire stone wall. Yeah, he's just. Nero's just come on, big idiot whisper about it. There's no need to be as rude as this Fey man over here. Sorry, buddy. Let's go talk about this. Don't you want more fish? Of course, make yourself a little fairy ring and talk amongst ye.
Alright have any of y'all ever been to the Feywild before? No. Sawhorn's never been here. It's the first time for everybody? I ain't afraid. Except you. Simple as. Okay, well, you're the closest relative to the Fae that we got. And you got us here. Make Sawhorn happy with choice. I got us here, I just I could've incinerated the dog.
We would have all of our stuff back. Okay, yeah. Well, there was no guarantee we would get our stuff back. Okay, well, Mr. Wizard, you've got all that wizard intelligence what kind of stuff can we expect to find here? Just read. What? Read his mind. That's, that's silly. You've never met a wizard before?
They read minds. My mind is not open, dear adventurers. See, look, the face circle isn't even working. And plus, my dear blink dog, Griffin doesn't have any pockets, so it wouldn't be on his body whatsoever. However, I personally know where they're being hell kept, but of course we have a deal to make. So that way, one, the Feywild is protected once more and you guys get to be home freely and dearly.
You know what, sorry. Hor eagle along this 'cause if I go back home, I'm in debt anyway ah, well you won't be empty handed, I tell you as you are right now. Okay, fine. I, but I also would ask that we have, we would need some type of guidance to make sure that we don't get lost in the fa ah, guidance as you say.
Can't, can't you cast that? I can, but what's in it for me? Well, oh, of course, I remember you guys don't take things literally. Yes, I will provide you a map as a map kind of, sparkles into existence into the hands of the wizard. Can we get two maps? Sure. As another map appears. I'll roll the second map a little bit.
Good thinking. I might incinerate the first one. All that intelligence. He can read minds. He's a smart one.
Were you raised by wolves? I know you're a druid, but were you raised by wild animals? So I wanna talk later for your foreign journey. The red? I, yes, that is, I I, I'm assuming that we gonna go along and try to figure out what's going on with the fa wilds. Ah, good. We take you up on your arm as long as you hold up your end of the bargain.
If not, then. I see a lot of fire in your future. Maybe there's something in my skill book on how to get to the Feywilds and get back from the Feywilds. As promised, I'll keep my end of the promise as such as ye. Okay, so I think we have a deal. Take grass, what's wrong with this, was it a bay wilder, and burn it, and then rub my hands in the ash and soot and hold out my hand.